Parental Consent Form ( PCF ) is required to be completed by a parent or guardian for each member under the age of 18 on 1 September 2019. We use Teamo to collect the information and you will be notified prior to the season to complete the form with in the teamo application.
You are responsible for making any necessary changes to your child’s records and can do so simply by logging on to Teamo and editing the details in the profile of the child where his/her details will be displayed.
In keeping with The Children Act 1989, Haslemere Hockey Club (HHC) recognises the importance of effectively implementing a comprehensive child welfare policy, of which this consent form is a part. HHC’s policy may be viewed here and a hard copy may be obtained from the HHC Child Welfare Officer.
Please check your child’s contact details are up to date before filling out this form.
The PCF Forms are in Teamo and are updated regularly in line with the latest guidance from the relevant authorities.
Please check here to view annual subs details.
Please click here to view HHC’s policies section. In Particular you will be asked in the form to understand, agree or consent to the following policies. To view a specific policy click on the link:
The system will register every time you have checked or changed the PCF details.