Junior Coach Information
This page is to provide you with a “quick and dirty” procedures overview – if there is anything missing then email us please.
This page does not absolve of us from “common sense” and is not the perfect antidote to every situation it is to identify the obvious ones that have specific requirements.
- All coaches are supplied with First Aid kits these include PPE (Gloves, Masks etc).
(There is a zip pocket in your coach bag where you can store these)
- If you are dealing with an injury please put gloves and masks on any other PPE kit supplied
- Ice Packs – these are in your medical kit.
- Defibrillators:
- The Edge – 2 defibrillators on site – one in the club house (on the left wall) and one in The Edge
- Highfield – one on the wall outside of the swimming pool office
For ALL Medical replenishment – speak to Michelle Fussell
Medical Reporting Processes
- Injury reporting – a form needs to be completed for all injuries.
- There is a online form here
- Hard copy form download here
- Complete this when the player is sufficiently injured to not come back onto the pitch
- Please regularly check with parents about medical issues – examples – diabetes, cystic fibrosis, asthma etc
- In order to reduce ACL injuries please carry out the following activities when warming up
- In the case of a head injury please ensure you understand this system and process (Simple)
Coach Bags
Each lead coach has the following items:
- 1 Bag
- Appropriate number 0f Balls for the squad sizw
- Several bags of bibs (dependant on squad size)
- A pack of cones
- A pack of flats
- First aid kit
Detailed policies or procedures
These are books so you cannot refer to them in an emergency so do not rely on them pitchside
- EH Concussion
- HHC Club Emergency Procedures (2024) (this is all encompassing so for focused detail refer to the other areas of this page)
- Concussion – The SCAT5 is a standardized tool for evaluating concussions designed for use by physicians and licensed healthcare professionals
(Note takes minimum of 10 mins to perform and processionals should use it)