Junior Attendance

Have you ever wanted to see what the Attendance is for your team… Here is the go guide to help you achieve this…

Step 1

From the main screen on your app select ‘The Club’ (bottom middle) and you should see a little + sign next to ‘Teams”.  Select this and bring up the teams you have permission to view… then select your team.


Step 2

In this example I will be selecting MU8 where you see I am immediately presented with this screen…. There are several useful tabs including Comp/Stats, Messaging, Members.

For attendance… stay on Comp/Stats and scroll the page to the bottom.

The rest should be self explanatory.  Sometimes though you may want to do this on the computer so that you can download a spreadsheet and do some of your own analysis.

This is slightly different… firstly log onto Teamo as normal here:  https://web2.teamo.chat/app/dashboard

In the bottom right hand corner is the option to select your team again:

You will then be presented with a very similar screen to Step 2 above.  Good luck and make sure you record attendance so that we can keep making good decisions about how to make the club better.

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Haslemere Hockey Club.
Woolmer Hill Sports Ground, Woolmer Hill Rd,
Haslemere GU27 1QA, UK
Email: info@haslemerehockey.com


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