Cornish Cup

Presented by Dr Jeremy Cornish.
For winning a game of hockey variation. Played with a smaller ball, a longer pitch and many more balls – Golf.

2001/02      Jon Brock
2002/03     Colin Napier
2003/04     Not Played
2004/05     Not Played
2005/06     Not Played
2006/07     Matt Swayne
2007/08     Andy Horton
2008/09     Not Played
2010/11     Not Played
2011/12     Jeremy Cornish
2012/13     Jeremy Cornish
2013/14     Not played yet
2014/15    Mark Hurst

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Haslemere Hockey Club.
Woolmer Hill Sports Ground, Woolmer Hill Rd,
Haslemere GU27 1QA, UK


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