HHC Parent/Legal Guardian Guide

Haslemere Hockey Club welcomes you and your child/young person to the club.  We hope you will enjoy being a club member and will enjoy your hockey coaching, training, matches as well as the social interactions.

What can you expect from the club? 

  • As the first point of contact for parents, young people and volunteers/staff within the club.
  • As the main point of contact within the club for the England Hockey Safeguarding team as well as relevant external agencies in connection with safeguarding young people. 
  • As a local source or procedural advice for the club, its committee and members.

What do we expect from your child? 

  • To play fairly and respect the rules of the game.
  • To respect their coaches and teammates.
  • To adhere to the young people’s code of conduct and behaviour.

What do the club expect of me?

  • Ensure my child is dropped off and picked up promptly from the venue.
  • Contact session organisers/coaches if I am running late to collect my child.
  • Adhere to the Parents section of the Code of Conduct.
  • Use appropriate language at all times.
  • Stay off the pitch during training and matches.
  • Provide emergency contact details and any relevant information about your child including medical history.

England Hockey’s Safeguarding Young People Policy, Procedure & Guidance is available to view online on the club website (see Members Pages, Club Policies).


If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation in hockey, please contact the club Child Welfare Officer who is responsible for dealing with concerns and working with England Hockey’s Safeguarding team for those of a more serious nature.  All concerns will be taken seriously and treated in the strictest confidence.

HHC’s Child Welfare OfficerHeide Evans 
Email – cwo@haslemerehockey.com.
Mobile 07731 107240 

Contact Us
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Haslemere Hockey Club.
Woolmer Hill Sports Ground, Woolmer Hill Rd,
Haslemere GU27 1QA, UK
Email: info@haslemerehockey.com


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